Thursday, May 14, 2009

And the moment you've been waiting for?

My thesis, toaster purse : )


Bob Guy said...

Hey Kristin, I'm that Bob guy from Animazement...

Okay, so I watched this last night, and I have to say... This is the absoulte coolest thing I've ever seen! After I watched it, I ran and go my girlfriend, told her to come watch it too. Then she went and started looking at your blog too.

Also, we also laughed our asses off at your sneeze video. That was great.

katie lee grosskopf said...

This is AWESOME.
I was lead over here by Bob, and I'm so glad i clicked the link. Your character designs and sense of humor are killer!

Daniel Silberberg said...

Hilarity! Your sense of timing is immaculate. I love when the products appear in the wrong order at the end.